CANopen device, interface and application profiles
CANopen device profile for generic I/O modules
CiA DS 401 V 2.1
This document represents the CANopen device profiles for digital and analogue Input and Output modules including some guidelines for use with joysticks.
The purpose of the I/O modules is to connect sensors and actors to the CAN bus. They can receive configuration information via the service data objects such as I/O configurations, conversion parameters for converting data into meaningful measurements and so on. At run time, data can be read from the sensor over the CAN bus by either a request or interrupt (event) mechanism.
Data can also be sent via the CAN bus to those I/O modules that have output capabilities. Output data can be sent to an I/O module via service data objects or process data objects.
Previous versions:
CiA DSP 401 V 1.4
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CANopen device profile drives and motion control
CiA DSP 402 V 2.0
This document represents the standardised CANopen Device Profile for digital controlled motion products like servo controllers, frequency converters or stepper motors.
All the above devices use communication techniques which conform to those described in the CANopen Application Layer and Communication Profile. This document should be consulted in parallel to this profile.
The starting and stopping of the drive and several mode specific commands are executed by the statemachine.
The operation mode defines the behaviour of the drive. The following modes are defined in this profile:
This mode describes the various methods to find a home position (also: reference point, datum, zero point).
The positioning of the drive is defined in this mode. Speed, position and acceleration can be limited and profiled moves using a Trajectory Generator are possible as well.
- Interpolated Position Mode
This mode describes the time interpolation of single axles and the spatial interpolation of co-ordinated axles. Synchronisation mechanisms and interpolation data buffers are covered by this mode.
The Profile Velocity Mode is used to control the velocity of the drive with no special regard of the position. It supplies limit functions and trajectory generation.
In this mode the torque control with all related parameters is described.
Many frequency inverters use this simple mode to control the velocity of the drive with limits and ramp functions. The Velocity Mode is rather separated from the other modes and does not interfere with them so much. For this reason, the naming of object dictionary entries differs a little bit from the other modes.
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CANopen device profile for measuring devices and closed-loop controllers
CiA DS 404 V 1.2
This document represents the device profile for measuring devices and for universal controller devices for measuring or controlling physical quantities like temperature or pressure. The purpose of this device profile is to describe units for measuring or closed loop control of different physical quantities. As such devices may include quite different functionality, the profile specifies different functional blocks, which could be combined in a real device.
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CANopen interface and device profile for IEC 61131-3 programmable devices
CiA DS 405 V 2.0
This document represents the standardised CANopen Device Profile for IEC 61131-3 programmable devices like PLCs.
This paper covers
- the access to a CANopen communication system from within an IEC 61131-3 program
- based on variables, i.e. access to elementary IEC 61131-3 variable objects,
- based on calls to function block
- utility functions for debugging, monitoring and network management
With respect to integrating tools for CANopen configuration and IEC 61131-3 programming and debugging, this paper defines two different kinds of integration:
- the network-centric approach, in which IEC 61131-3 programming is assumed to be done after CANopen configuration, being logically below configuration,
- the PLC-centric approach, in which CANopen configuration is assumed to be done after IEC 61131-3 programming, being logically only one part of the configuration of the complex PLC system.
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CANopen device profile for encoders
CiA DS 406 V 3.0
This document represents the CANopen device profiles for incremental and absolute, linear and rotary encoders. Besides position and velocity output possibility complete cam functionalilty is covered. In addition it is possible to handle multi sensors through one CANopen device.
The purpose of encoders is to detect positions of any kind of machine tools. Encoders detect positions and transmit the position values across the CAN network. They can receive configuration information via the service data objects, conversion parameters for calculating an - to the application adapted - position value. In the operational status, the position value can be read from the encoder by Remote Transmission Request telegrams or Sync Telegrams. Additionally, the encoders can transmit cyclically the position values.
Previous versions:
CiA DSP 406 V 2.0
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CANopen application profile for passenger information
CiA DSP 407 V 1.0
This application profile specifies the application objects as well as the PDO default mapping for devices used in passenger information systems. The specified application objects are based on the VDV-IBIS data model. This specification contains definition of the usual appliance profiles. It defines a minimum configuration, too.
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CANopen device profile fluid power technology proportional valves and hydrastic transmissions
CiA DSP 408 V 1.5.1
This profile describes the functionality of interconnectable proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. The document is based on the profile "Fluid Power Technology", version 1.5 released by VDMA Verband Deutscher Machinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. Frankfurt/Main, Germany. The device profile has been defined for hydraulic proportional valves, hydrostatic pumps and hydrostatic transmissions. It can as well be applied on pneumatic devices.
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CANopen device profile inclinometer
CiA DSP 410 V 1.0
This document represents the CANopen device profile for one- and two-axis inclinometers.
One-axis inclinometers provide only longitudinal slope axis value. Two-axis inclinometers provide additionally lateral slope axis value. These values are mapped into Transmit-PDOs by default, which are transmitted synchronously.
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CANopen profiles for medical devices
The CANopen profile for medical devices includes several parts:
Part 1: CANopen profiles for medical devices - General definitions
Part 2: CANopen profiles for medical devices - Automatic X-ray collimator
This specification has been developed by the market leading companies (General Electric, Philips, and Siemens). It is the first CANopen profile for medical devices. Additional profiles are under development, e.g. for X-ray generators, patient tables, etc.
The CANopen device profile covers automatic collimators that limits the X-ray beam to form rectangular, quadrangular, or circular images (shapes) in the image receptor reference plane. Collimators may also provide separate controllable homogeneous and partial filters in order to affect the spectrum of the X-ray beam passing through the collimator. Collimators generally provide functionality to visually simulate the path of the X-ray beam and/or its radiated area, which corresponds to the examined region of interest (ROI). The behavior of the X-ray visualization functionality is governed by the finite state automaton (FSA).
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CANopen device profile for truck gateways
The CANopen device profile for truck gateways includes several parts:
Part 1: CANopen device profile for truck gateways - General definitions
Part 2: CANopen device profile for truck gateways - Application objects for brake and running gear
Part 3: CANopen device profile for truck gateways - Application objects for other than brake and running gear equipment
These documents represent the CANopen gateway profile for in-vehicle networks. This set of specifications describes CANopen gateways to CAN-based networks using the SAE J1939-71 application profile, ISO 11992-2, -3, and -4 truck/trailer networks as well as specific in-vehicle networks.
The purpose of gateways compliant to this specification is to connect CANopen networks to in-vehicle networks of trucks, buses, trailers and other vehicles. In operational mode, the gateway provides by default TPDOs (Transmit Process Data Object) with a similar behavior as ISO 11992 compliant interfaces. In addition, it is possible to read objects via SDO (Service Data Object) communication from another module. The gateway is also able to receive via RPDO (Receive Process Data Object) certain function requests to be passed to the in-vehicle networks.
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CANopen device profile for weaving machines
The CANopen device profiles for weaving machines includes several parts:
Part 1: CANopen device profile for weaving machines - General definitions
Part 2: CANopen device profile for weaving machines - Feeders
In weaving machines, CANopen networks are used to integrate feeder, Jacquard and other sub-systems to the loom controller. The sub-system communication interface is compliant to CANopen application layer and communication profile. The interface is specified in device profiles, which define the application objects as well as the default PDO communication and mapping parameter.
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CANopen device profile for road construction machinery
CiA DSP 415 V 1.0
This profile covers the following machine types: paver, compactor, grader, dozer, mill, heater and, truck. The on-board computer shall provide the type of machine by means of wireless LAN (local area network) communication services. This device profile has been jointly developed with the OSYRIS (Open System for Road Information Support) consortium ( and the European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA). Devices compliant to this profile require an application master device with CANopen manager functionality capable to support self-configuration (Configuration manager) of the CANopen network.
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CANopen application profile for lift control systems
The CANopen device profiles for weaving machines includes several parts:
Part 1: CANopen application profile for lift control systems - General definitions and physical layer specifications
Part 2: CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Virtual device definitions
Part 3: CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Pre-defined communication objects
Part 4: CANopen application profile for lift control systems - Detailed application object definition
In weaving machines, CANopen networks are used to integrate feeder, Jacquard and other sub-systems to the loom controller. The sub-system communication interface is compliant to CANopen application layer and communication profile. The interface is specified in device profiles, which define the application objects as well as the default PDO communication and mapping parameter.
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CANopen device profile for battery modules
CiA DSP 418 V 1.0
This device profile describes a recommended practice for the communication link between a battery module and a battery charger. The required data messages are intended to be sufficient to allow a battery charge to be carried out. Optional data is a selection of data commonly used in the industry to provide enhanced features.
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CANopen device profile for battery charger
CiA DSP 419 V 1.0
This device profile describes a recommended practice for the communication link between a battery charger and a battery module. The required data messages are intended to be sufficient to allow a battery charge to be carried out. Optional data is a selection of data commonly used in the industry to provide enhanced features.
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CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices
The CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices include several parts:
Part 1: CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - General definitions
Part 2: CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Puller
Part 3: CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Corrugator
Part 4: CANopen profiles for extruder downstream devices - Saw
Devices compliant to these profiles use communication techniques, which conforms to those described in the CANopen communication profile (CiA Draft Standard DS 301). In addition, extruder downstream devices may use communication techniques, which conform to those described in the framework for programmable CANopen Devices (CiA Draft Standard Proposal DSP 302). These specifications should be consulted in parallel to these device profile specifications.
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