CiA 301 to 399
CiA 401 to 499
CiA 102 to 199
CiA 201 to 299

CANopen Vendor ID

The CANopen Vendor ID is part of the identity object. The identity object is used to identify any CANopen device within a CANopen network. It consists of the

  • Vendor-ID,
  • Product code,
  • Revision number, and
  • Serial number.

Vendor ID

The Vendor ID has to be implemented by any manufacturer of a CANopen device. It is assigned uniquely to any vendor by CAN in Automation (CiA) on request. The current list of assigned numbers can be found here soon.

Product code

The product code may be implemented by a manufacturer of a CANopen device. It is assigned by the manufacturer itself in a proprietary way. It has to be implemented if the Layer Setting Services (LSS) are supported by that device.

Revision number

The revision number may be implemented by manufacturer of a CANopen device. It is assigned by the manufacturer itself in a proprietary way. It is distingushed a lower and a higher part. The lower part is increased on any version where changes are only based on bug fixes. The higher part is increased on any version where changes are based on functional CANopen changes. It has to be implemented if the Layer Setting Services (LSS) are supported by that device.

Serial number

The serial number may be implemented by the manufacturer of a CANopen device. It is assigned by the manufacturer itself in a proprietary way, but he has to guarantee that it is unique by a given product code and may a give revision number. It has to be implemented if the Layer Setting Services (LSS) are supported by that device.

Vendor ID Registration form